Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stand-up, Buddy.

So I was a watchin' the long hard dark dirt that stretches near my hole.
Those funny things were whizzing up and back, fast like they always
do and I saw Buddy. Now Buddy isn't the sharpest root on the tree but
he is a good marmot.

Buddy was racing back and forth across the hot surface, dancing on his
burning feet. He would get to one side and chitter with delight and then
race back. Well as you can guess he didn't quite get back before one
of the fast things came along. He tumbled along to the edge and
stayed there. I watched and he didn't move. I watched some more
and still he didn't move and it got hotter.

After awhile I noticed his legs started to spread and so I went over and
pawed him. He didn't move, but I had an idea. I pushed him around so
he was facing the flat spot and then set him up on his back legs.
Now he looks like he is a waving at those fast things when they go
by and they swerve away when they see him.

Good job, Buddy, good job.

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